

Create a site with an example pages, posts, and layouts:

$ # Create site in current directory
$ cobalt init
$ # Create site in `myBlog` sub-directory
$ cobalt init myBlog


To serve your site locally, run:

$ cobalt serve
Building from `.` into `/tmp/.tmpgYpScM`
Watching . for changes
Serving /tmp/.tmpgYpScM through static file server
Server Listening on http://localhost:1024
Ctrl-c to stop the server

Use the --host argument to listen on a different address (ex.; the default is localhost. Use --port (or -P) to listen on a specific TCP port number.


Add a new page or post to your site:

$ # Creates page `` in the current directory
$ cobalt new "Cats Around the World"
$ # Creates post `` in the `posts` directory
$ cobalt new "Cats Around the World" --file posts
$ # Creates post `` in the `posts` directory
$ cobalt new "Cats Around the World" --file posts/

You can modify the template used for new by editing the files in _defaults.


Once your post is ready, you can publish it:

$ cobalt publish posts/

The page will no longer be a "draft" and the published_date will be set to today.

You can also publish from the drafts folder:

$ cobalt publish drafts/

It will move it to posts folder besides changing "draft" status and published_date.

For posts only: by default, the date (YYYY-MM-DD-) will be prepend to your posts filename in order to keep them in chronological order. This can be disabled by manually setting publish_date_in_filename: false in your configuration.


Once the states of your documents are in a position to be put online − by using publish on the documents you want to make visible, or manually setting is_draft: false − it's time to build the website:

$ cobalt build

All the documents not in draft state will be built into a html file ready to be serve by your web server.


Cleans/prunes the destination directory.


Displays site debug information. There are subcommands that output various information, ex. config, files, and highlight. Refer to Troubleshooting for further details.


To see all the available commands, run

$ cobalt --help

You can then get help with those commands by running

$ cobalt <command> --help