All pages optionally support having some metadata associated with them, called the frontmatter.
The frontmatter metadata is formatted using yaml and
surrounded, above and below, with ---
title: My first Blogpost
published_date: 2016-01-01 21:00:00 +0100
layout: posts.liquid
Hey there this is my first blogpost and this is super awesome.
My Blog is lorem ipsum like, yes it is..
Default Frontmatter
title: ~
description: ~
published_date: ~
format: Raw
layout: ~
is_draft: false
permalink: path
slug: ~
excerpt_separator: "\n\n"
excerpt: ~
categories: []
tags: ~
data: {}
Overriding defaults from filename
Cobalt will infer some information from the filename.
Recognized name formats include:
YYYY-MM-DD slug.extension
The two later ones are only recognised on build
as publish
managed the
and prepend the date to the filename by default.
Metadata | Inferred Default |
slug | The slug portion of the name. |
title | A best-effort at making a title from the slug portion. |
published_date | The YYYY-MM-DD portion, if present. |
format | Markdown if extension is md . |
is_draft | true if in the drafts folder. |
Field Descriptions
Metadata | Format | Description |
title | String | The user-friendly name of the page. |
description | String | The description of the page's content. |
published_date | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS TZ | The date the page was initially published. |
format | Raw , Markdown | Content format that needs parsing. |
layout | String or null | The layout template that wraps the page content, if present. |
is_draft | Boolean | If true, not published by default. |
permalink | String | The path for the generated page in destination . |
slug | String | The path-friendly name of the file for use in permalinks |
excerpt_separator | String | A marker for what leading content should be extracted from the content as an excerpt. "" will cause no excerpt to be generated. |
excerpt | String | Manually override the extracted excerpt. This will be processed like a page. |
categories | List of Strings | Hierarchical categories this page lives under. |
tags | List of Strings | Tags attached to the page. |
data | Object | User-defined data available at . |